(Estimated to be 10 89 particles in the universe, including photons) Funny Gay Pride Gift Ah Men Rainbow Jesus LGBT Awareness Shirt, ladies tee, tank top, v-neck ladies tee tank top A 29 pulse password and you’re already pressing at 6×10 100 possibilities, which is probably good enough for most security systems. length of the password produces complexity faster than increasing the pool of available ports. Slight correction Funny Gay Pride Gift Ah Men Rainbow Jesus LGBT Awareness Shirt: 7 pulses in 3000 switches is 3000 7, not 7 3000(as it is 3000 permutations for the 1st try, 3000 for 2nd, … 3000 for 7th), which is on the order of 10 24, rather than the “break Google Calculator” 10 2535 version.